Healing without "breaking"
- Russia

           The family in which Dmitry was born and grew was quite prosperous in every respect. "I rarely heard the word "No" from my parents", he says. Since from the beginning of his childhood he had a thirst for knowledge of life surrounding him, Dmitry was more inclined to talk with guys who were 3 to 4 years older than he was, rather than with his contemporaries. In the company of these friends he did not show any predilection to binge, but felt a special interest in narcotics, and smoked pot.
          - "My life was basically free of problems. I did everything I wanted, and never met with much difficulty", he recalls.
          After finishing school Dmitry went to the Rostov Railway Institute. While studying for the First Rate, he used narcotics for the first time: - I ran in a circle of people who were constantly under the influence of drugs. To me, they and their behavior seemed absolutely normal. I told them I would like to try that "stuff" that I heard about from them, though these guys dissuaded me. But all the same I started to use drugs. I used opium, from poppies..
           From the first time he liked the sensations he experienced very much, and Dmitry decided to continue, not heeding any alarms, nor showing any fear for the future. He was able to keep his way of life a secret from his parents for two years. It was not until he contracted Hepatitis "B", (a common disease among addicts that is transmitted through blood) that they found out. He could not even stop using drugs while in the hospital. The dose was too great, and his liver could not sustain without it.
           - I was treated and continued narcotics. Sometimes drugs were brought to me by friends, sometimes I simply went home to inject, - says Dmitry.
           His mother learned the truth about her son's life from the doctors, but Dmitry was not aware that she knew. The terrible news simply dumbfounded her. "In the office of the head physician she slipped on the floor and fell against the wall", - says Dmitry. Then there was his plaintive repentance before his parents; he promised them that he never again would touch drugs.
           - Certainly, now I understand that all similar promises are weak and ineffective against drugs. If the person is enslaved by them, it is not possible for him to overcome it by himself, and the promise to not continue to use them is only an empty promise. But during that moment I was sincere and really decided to be done with it. I could not even manage one day. It pressed me so hard that in a moment I had forgotten all of my promises. I never had a lack of drugs, and was soon back to my old ways. Before, I used drugs "just for the hell of it". Finally, and for the first time I understood, that I was in a captivity from which I did not see a release.
           The most terrible parts of life for Dmitry were then still ahead. He felt like he was clamped tightly in a relentless vice. He constantly thought now of being rid of the addiction, but did not find a way to get out of the deep hole Satan held him in. Instead he fell more deeply immersed in the filth of sin. His needed quantity of drugs cost huge amounts of money, and the addiction compelled him to engage in criminal activity, such as swindles, larceny and robbery, to get enough money for a dose.
           - "The addict simply cannot be a respectable and law abiding person." says Dmitry. "Normally, to feed this habit, it is necessary for it to spend a daily average of about 1000 Roubles. Clearly, this sum of money cannot be earned in an honest way."
           Several times Dmitry went to the hospital, hoping to recover from narcotics dependency. But upon termination of the course of treatment he again undertook his old ways: This bent for drugs appeared stronger than reason. The prison it represented was indestructible; with fatalistic feelings he anticipated death, and, strangely enough, he had never read of an eternal hell in the Bible.
           "Medicines, certainly, eventually clear out of the body", explains Dmitry, "but the addiction to narcotics is not so much physical, but has many spiritual aspects. The addict is ruled by a malicious spirit, a demonic person. That is why almost all addicts, even after the drugs themselves are cleaned out of the body and already experience "being broken", again they go back to drugs. Why? Enslaved spirits. Without Jesus Christ their full release from the addiction is impossible. They can build for themselves any illusions they want; they can even very strongly want to be free of drugs, but to be free? They cannot. People with these addictions cannot cope without it.
           Seeking release from this impasse, Dmitry sometimes came to the Rostov Christian Church "Awakening" services, where met some former addicts released by Jesus. However, he did not believe that God could do the same for him in his own life.
          During a visit to an acquaintance in 1997, Dmitry's mother met Sergey, a sincerely believing Christian, who himself was a former prisoner of the narcotic "paradise". In conversations with Dmitry she began to gently insist that he meet with Sergey. Dmitry did not take his mother's pleadings and suggestions seriously at that time, because he did not believe that it would help him to be free of the drugs. But if the mountain would not go to Magomet, then Magomet would go to the mountain: "One morning Sergey himself came to my home. I had just woken up and was waiting for some friends who had promised to bring me drugs. He asked me: "Do you have time?" I said "Yes, half an hour. Sit down, we shall have some tea". Having become acquainted, we got into conversation, having quickly found a common language. Now I understand that on that morning, through Sergey, Christ spoke to me. His example had "infected" me. In my heart I began to understand, that all can be corrected if I were to trust in Jesus. My friends who were supposed to bring me drugs did not come, and I was beginning to feel bad because of the lack of drugs, and I said to Sergey: You have told me everything very well, and I even believe that with you it has really taken place. But what can your God do for me right here and right now? He answered: "Let's pray."
           In about an hour or prayer, Dmitry told the Lord about all of the pain in his heart.. Not expecting any "breaking" whatsoever, he went to bed and fell asleep at once after Sergey left. On that same evening he went to an assembly of church, near his house. Being under strong impression from morning conversation and the signs which have followed behind it, Dmitry had repented of his sins before God.
           "I clearly saw God's hand that day," he tells. "My friends never appeared with the drugs; I fell asleep without a dose; I woke up without an alarm clock a half hour prior to the beginning of the church assembly; got to church, without taking the simple trip behind my house to get cigarettes. Then I understood that God perfectly heard my questions that morning, and now answers them."
           However, even the next day Dmitry was back on the habit, almost as if nothing had happened, he again used narcotics. Again evil spirits attacked the guy, and for some time he returned to his former condition. But his new friend Sergey continued the business he started: visited this newborn brother frequently, and prayed for him to the Lord. Under Sergey's initiative, Dmitry went to the Petersburg Christian Rehabilitation center for Narcotics Dependents where he stayed two months. When he returned to Rostov, he did not use drugs the whole month, and sometimes came in church. But in following the Lord he was changeable, and vanity again seized his heart. Drugs returned to his life. So strongly the prince of darkness wished to keep this soul in slavery, that in that time of captivity, it was not necessary for Dmitry to search for drugs, nor for the money to buy them, for a whole year. "Plenty of heroin was simply always available," he explains.
           Living in constant fear for his life and freedom (For to be arrested and thrown in prison was always a fear), he finally tired of this pitiful existence. Asking God for favor and protection, he understood that God is Holy and Eternal, and so he cannot grant his requests: For his slyness and abusing God's patience God eventually will cease to protect the sinner who is not obeying Him. Having decided to go somewhere far away from Rostov, Dmitry went to one of the rehabilitation centers in the Krasnodar territory, Before making this firm decision, he prayed to God, saying "My God, if there is any hope for me, help me, release me!"
           In a wonderful act of deliverance without "breaking", God has given Dmitry full healing. After many painful years, and through the prayer of believers for this released man, normal dreams have returned:  "I know that with me this has taken place. It is impossible to explain anything. There was no "breaking". This disposition to use drugs disappeared in three days, and in a week I fell asleep with the dreams of a healthy person! Everyone who was there with me has gone through the same."
          That was one year ago. Since this time God has strengthened Dmitry's faith, and given His Holy Spirit as a constant attendant. Now he works with those who need healing of narcotics dependence in Krasnodar. 
          "Christ has taught me to enjoy the natural pleasures of a life instead of the former substitutes," he says. "To be pleased to work, to converse with Him and with people, normal dreams, and in general to everything He blesses the person who is His. I now live a new, present life. I know in Whose hand I am, and that I am constantly in His love and care. For me it is as if I am always on a holiday."

 From "The Christian Newspaper"

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   It is truly free
           Michael YAKIMOV - Russia

           I was born in Snow and lived in that city ten years. My childhood was not noted by anything in particular, but was usual. School, friends... Although my friends were generally much older than I was. I should have felt more solid, strong and respectable about myself, probably, but the opposite was true, I had little self confidence. When I turned ten, my family and I moved to another city. But nothing changed. Again, the company of grown-ups was common, where business as usual included drinking. For me it was not something out of the ordinary....


"I want to study", Not loudly, but confidently, and absolutely still, the young man said to me, asking to be accepted in Bible school. I was wondering what to think: a seventeen-year-old, with a previous conviction, and in city where he did not have any relatives, besides that a relatively new believer. The pastor of the church at Snow, from where Michael came had sent a recommendation that settled the issue. Thus, in October, 1997 he became one of fifty students of the Bible school at the Word of Life Church in the Red Beam. Until this October he led a life rather typical of a teenager of one of the cities of Ukraine. However, he will tell about it himself..

            Can you give a short biography? What is most characteristic of what defined your life?

           I was born in Snow and lived in that city ten years. My childhood was not noted by anything in particular, but was usual. School, friends... Although my friends were generally much older than I was. I should have felt more solid, strong and respectable about myself, probably, but the opposite was true, I had little self-confidence. When I turned ten, my family and I moved to another city. But nothing changed. Again, the company of grown-ups was common, where business as usual included drinking. For me it was not something out of the ordinary. On the contrary, almost everyone I knew lived this way. Drinking, as occasions sufficed, was normal business. So when I turned eleven years old I tried it too. And soon got to the same levels as the grown-ups: frequently and heavily. Then, while I was eleven, I tried hemp for the first time (marijuana, hemp, or "grass", the same thing) when they asked me if I wanted to "finish the joint." It was pleasant. However, I did not then count marijuana for a drug, rather, I saw it as an overindulgence and thought that at any moment I could stop using it if I should want to."

           So really you did not try to change this life, what enticed you at last?

           At some point when I was thirteen I took up a great interest in sports, and engaged in it for almost two years. The first time, the need for alcoholic drinks was no ordeal: my purposes and interests were changed. But all the same, this was not so unusual... Of course, a  "helping-hand" came along. He was my sister's husband, and he influenced me. He was an addict with the experience, having served four terms in a rehab prison because of it. Then he suggested me to "prick". I cannot say that I resisted. I was obedient to this "helping hend". And, unfortunately, I liked these sensations that arose. People refer to is as "shirka". So I "sat on the needle".

           Did your parents know about it? How did they react when they found out?

           Certainly, in a few months my sister told my parents, and they began to lock me in the house. Naturally, it did not help. The desire to use drugs consumed all of my thinking. It was simply inescapable. For the sake of a dose I would give all. The natural outcome? I was convicted under the 229th clause. Since this was my first conviction, I received a conditional two year sentence.  At first you liked to use drugs. How did you come to see the inevitable sad end, and the hopelessness of the position in which you were in? How did you try to be rid of it, and then at last get treated? Everyone wants "to jump off". I tried to do it every time when there was no dose, and no money. But if "breaking" (the physical dependence) passes in some days, the emotional dependence stays with you. You are not able to reason with it. I saw many examples where addicts were treated tens of times without a successful result. The physical dependence passed, they were released, and all of them were the same. Sooner or later, all proceeded to go back to their old ways. I did not even try to be treated, because, as I said, it was pleasant to me. So, probably, I would have continued and was farther along to the inevitable and fast sad end, if ...

           What has taken place? What, or who changed your hopeless situation?

           God, Jesus Christ. Now I know it for sure. Without a doubt...  Then we have got once again with raw material.  With my previous conviction it was inevitable that I would ahve to serve a term in a drug dependence rehab prison. I decided to flee from justice and ran to Donetsk where my oldest brother (who by then believed in Jesus Christ) was studying at the Bible Institute. He helped me get employment there, and there I heard a lot of new things: first of all, about a totally different way of life. One that was purposeful, full of satisfaction here and now. Having become interested, I talked to the priest Galina Kuchinskoj, who completely convinced me, having told me the history of his nephew. After that conversation I firmly decided to serve God, and prayed to Him with repentance and a plea for rescue. The natural step after repentance became my returning to my native city where I had to go to surrender to the police. After I arrived, I did not keep my promise, but again "pricked". The consequences took me farther along: detention by the police. My position was sad: since I had been released conditionally the first time, all hopes of not serving a term for this crime was gone. It turned out, that the inspector left me alone in an office for a while, and I had time to pray to God with repentance, and the decision, that I shall serve Him even in prison. At that point it was all the same to me where I would be, but as to my former life, I decided to not go back to it any more. I spoke to God about all of it while I was in the inspector's office.  And the Lord answered. The inspector returned soon thereafter, and told me that now nothing would keep me out of prison. Then he took me to see the deputy chief of the criminal investigation department. In the deputy's office, I waited while he wrote on various papers. And then, after thinking for a long time, he told me "go home". At first I thought I did not understand what he said.. but he repeated it once more. I did not wait and left.

           What were the events that lead you to go to Bible school in the Red Beam?

           I knew that things could not go smoothly: the baggage was too heavy. If not for the Grace of the Lord, I could not even stop smoking.  It would be impossible for me. But, all of a sudden I did not even like to smoke any more! From my brother I knew about the Bible school and firmly decided to go study there because knew that without a firm knowledge of the Divine Word, my life would not be stable. So I went to Snow, to the church my brother attended. After half a year at the Bible school, I was finally released from the vicious thinking of an addict. Since then, three years have passed about which I have no regrets: I serve the God in church. I got married. In a word, life finally makes sense, and most important, there is freedom to make wise choices and carry them out to success!

 Andrey Bosharov talked to Michael Yakimov 
September 2, 2000. From the newspaper  "The New Life "

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          I am free from drugs!

          Valery - Russia

         I used narcotics 8 years. I tried different ways to get rid of drugs: laid in KND (Krasnoyarsk Narcological Clinic), went different people, but nothing helped. Then my Mom decided to send me to the army, thinking that, maybe, it will tear me away from the needle. But it was a mistake. I went to the Chechen Republic. War, bloodshed, murders all hardened my heart. I could kill a person. I was fierce, malicious. I even told everyone that there is no God, though in soul I knew, that there was.
        Then something happened that turned me to God. Suddenly, I became very ill. I started to decay from top to toe. The illness quickly progressed. On the fourth day of this illness I realized I needed as nothing else to run to God. And He has released me from the addiction. In two days, the illness stopped. If you have a dependence on something, if something holds you, be not afraid, take it to God, run to Him, and He will help you.   

Rebtsentr for addicts in Krasnoyarsk "Trust and Triumph "

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          Truly I am free
             Sergey KUSHNERUK and Feodor KONOVALOV  - "Word of Faith" Church, Kiev, Ukraine

          We both are workers of the narcotics rehabilitation center at Word of Faith Church in Kiev. I was dependent on drugs for 4 years, but God has released me from it, and I now help other guys who were just like me to receive freedom.
          I was not born with syringe in my hand, but grew up on a normal family, studied in school and did not plan to become an addict, but when I was 13 years old I tried a heavy drug for the first time - heroin. Before that I tried pot. Each addiction began from cigarettes. It seems harmless at first, but then leads to heavy consequences. When I was 13 I started to use drugs regularly. I have got it in my "system" and understand that I can not be released from it any more.

          I had the same history. I grew in normal family and started to smoke and then to drink. Not that I was an alcoholic... Then I started to use "black". I do not know how you refer to it here, but it is like heroin, only made from a poppy.
          Feodor and I live in the same house. We used drugs together and together we now serve God.
          I used drugs regularly for four years, once a day, sometimes twice a day. At first it was pleasant to me, I received inspiration from it and internal rest.. It was like it could fill me up for a while.. But then I came to understand that I began to depend on drugs, and I wanted to be released from it. I already hated that did it. And I did not at all like to inject.
          Four times I was treated in hospitals and tried to overcome it by my own strength, but it was all in vain. Little results. I could keep myself in hand a maximum of two weeks. I would be glad and all. Then I would go back to this condition. It is a spiritual illness, no joking. This is not a simple case of trying it once and then still being possible somehow to get rid of it.
          To buy drugs, I stole. The addict is a possessed person. Nobody has power to tame it. When a person becomes a regular addict, all thinking is only in this direction. He does not stop for anything. He goes and steals. Everything that it is possible to name in the word "criminal", is possible to attribute to the addict. I was such as this.
          It used to be interesting to go to a bar to play billiards, or go to a disco or night club. Subsequently all money was estimated in how much drugs it would buy. And, naturally, what was left for the family?
          We look normal now because I have not used for three years, Feodor has not used for two years. And so we in general, while lean, look successful. When I first came to church my trousers had been torn, my running shoes were rotted through and collapsed, my jacket was in tatters, my shirt too was in tatters.. I in rags all over..
          Drugs drag a person down. I had been engaged in sports and did not plan to become an addict. I hated it in general. I looked at addicts as evil people, but then I became an addict.
          His family tried every way to find something to get him off drugs. Feodor's mom said: " I have found a way out: I shall sell our apartment and buy a plane, because he was interested in planes. "You can learn to fly". And I laughed: "He will take two "navigators" (referring to fellow drug addicts) from the courtyard, and they will leave and sell the plane [to buy more drugs]". My mom in general was unaware of this. But I was "found out" - in the emergency room. When I came to in the hospital, she asked: "Sergey, swear, that you will not use drugs any more at all". It was difficult for me. I cried and said that it is impossible: I could swear all I wanted to not use drugs... It wasn't a matter of wanting to or not, no matter what anybody says. My Parents were in despair when they heard this.. 

          I one went to a house where there were a lot of addicts. To my horror there was a person there who was only eleven! There were others who had used for fifteen years, and some longer. I looked at them and saw the future. I understood, that I was an addict and did not see a way out.
          At first you tell yourself that you are not that far along. "I will never be like them". But the drug eats you from within.
          In four years of this narcotics "career" the drug lowered me completely. I lost my health and people close to me, everything that I held dear in general.
          I was approaching my last days. I laid at home for two weeks and could not rise. I was decaying from within. There was not a vein in me where I had not injected. Even in my groin and muscles, addicts know. There was no where else to inject.
          I held hands with death. It began with a blood infection. It progressed strongly, and I started to decay from within, was swollen all over, and only weighed 31 kg. When they took me away to the hospital, I had already lost consciousness, and laid in a coma six days in the hospital. God has revived me. Therefore I know that God really exists.
          Sergey had come to God earlier and started to go to the rehabilitation center. He periodically came to me and spoke about God, and that it was possible to live another way and that he was already released and lives normally. I even do not remember it, but when he came he prayed for me.
          The paramedics with the ambulance refused three times to take me to the hospital. They said that they didn't think I would make it there. I had pneumonia, and abscesses because of a sepsis blood infection. But nevertheless they brought me to the hospital, and operated on me for eight hours, removing 17 abscesses. There wasn't a place on me that was alive. Sergey saw me, and I know that because of his prayers God kept me alive. Such favor God showed me, that I opened eyes. I started to shout: "God, where are you? Pardon me, forgive me! I do not want any more of this". I was 18 years old and already in such a condition. 

          Once I did not have any money. The guys with whom I used drugs were all arrested and put in prison. It did not surprise me, I knew I could be arrested also. I laid at home, and one of my family began to tell me that there is a rehabilitation center. I listened to them, and my Mom showed me where the center was. The first day I did not go. I only took the money for travel there. On the second say I went, and for me it became easier at once. I felt the sensation that while I had wandered a long time and was tired, I had come home. Then I started to talk with guys there and have met some who were just like me, only there was something in them that I did not have. They were alive, cheerful and pleased with life.
          They told me that I would not go through withdrawl, that they would pray for me and that I would go home and that I would sleep. Dreams are an unreal thing for the addict. Really, I did go home and did fall asleep. The only thing that remained from the withdrawl was a flu-like condition. But it was not a withdrawl at all compared to when your internal organs stop functioning. Those who used drugs, know, that it already in itself a miracle.
          I started to go to the center and to listen to what they spoke. And here I am an alive person three years later. It appears that there is a way out. 

          When I regained consciousness in the hospital from the coma I started to appeal to God. I shouted and asked: "My God, please do something!" I was sick all over. My Mom spoke to the doctors: " I shall sell our apartment if I have to, do whatever you can to help him". They said to her: "There is nothing we can do. Only God can help him ".
          Its a Miracle! I was beginning to heal. The abscesses where I injected healed in two months. And in one and a half months I left hospital. It is unreal! When the operation was performed, my kneecap had been shattered. God had healed this bone. He has heard. Therefore I know that what the doctors could never do, nor the police, nor parents, nor anybody else, God has done.
          When I came home I went to the church that prayed for me. I was pleased.
          I am not simply a former addict who keeps himself in check. I am in general normal, and without problems. There is a saying that we have at the center that we use frequently: "Before you can take a bone away from a dog, it needs to be given a steak". The same is true with addicts: Before you can take something away from us, it is necessary to give something that is best. And God has given pleasure in this life. Our families have even started to come to church. See, that the result is hope.
          Since before I was dead in general and malicious, and since God has given me healing and such pleasure it is not longer desirable to simply live, but it is desirable to help other people. Therefore we work in the rehabilitation center.
          Through our center there have already passed somewhere close to a thousand guys. Really, more have come through, but those that have remained and were healed is somewhere about a thousand. Both alcoholics and narcotics addicts come to us. Already there are about thousand people who were not simply released from their addiction, but they are normal people, serve God, work, marry, live normally and are pleased. The result is that we are probably the biggest in Europe, and, thank God, He has not given just what is necessary, He has given more.
          Many people do not understand, they think that they will lose something once they come to the God, - friends or something else. But this is a lie. Nobody will lose anything, except for their sins. On the contrary, God gives. And so, for the addict, basically, there is nothing to lose. They have no friends. The friends of the addict are not friends. Such proverb is: "kenty - kentami, and products - products". What friends? If you have money, you are the best. If there is nothing to take from you then we are not your friends.
          Now on the contrary, you get true friends. You start to think again: Can I go to be taught? Guys find work and become businessmen. Opportunities appear. Some go into sports. God releases them, and the people become not simply adapted for life in society, they go to the university, in academy study. There was a person who for six years used drugs and now is studying in an academy! This is a miracle!
          For me, drugs are now like the garbage container - it is not interesting to me and there it lays. And these are not just simple words, I every day see addicts and I live among them and I communicate with them, but I am free. Truly I am free. It is not interesting for me, I am a normal person.

 From the newspaper "Ekklesiast"

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